What does “all-size” bodies mean?
WE LOVE BODIES!!!! (artwork above by Shoog McDaniel)
At Threshold Healing we aspire to work with folks that may feel like massage isn’t accessible to them because of fat-shame and internal and external judgement. The phrase “All-size bodies” is used to include fat bodies, large bodies, and truly all sizes of body.
There are several approaches we make to assure large, fat, bigger bodies feel ease in our studio and getting bodywork.
Logistically, we have an extra wide (38”) table with a 600lb weight limit (as well as body cushions for all bodies comfort modifications). Also all of our seating places are arm-rest free and very stable, to allow everyone the ability to sit without worry of not fitting or breaking furniture.
We also are very able and willing to work over any amount of clothing for ANY body. We recognize that everyone has different comfort levels with nudity and touch. We are comfortable working on fully clothed or fully unclothed bodies of all sizes and shapes. We prefer you undress to YOUR OWN comfort level.
Emotionally, we NEVER EVER encourage people to change the size of their body, ever. We do not assume or judge the health of any individual based on the size or their body or the amount of fat tissue the body holds. We know that health and body size do not correlate. We also know that every body is valuable, at every size and at every state of health.
Personally, each of us actively works to undo the body-shame, fat-shame narratives we carry in our own bodies. We strive to treat our beautiful, amazing and intelligent bodies as such, as we treat your glorious body as well.
If you have questions or recommendations of ways we can better accommodate your body please let us know. contact@thresholdhealing.org
Artwork below by Owen Marciano (also find his incredible tarot and ancestor connection work at Nonna Terra).
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"rage is the appropriate response to injustice"